An Impossible Secret (Book review)

 This book was written by JB Leigh. It's a small book and not very well liked. But I've always loved the GOOD underdogs. Personally, I think this is a great book, one of the greatest I've read. And trust me, I've read a few great ones.

It has a well-woven plot, strong characters, good setting, well-applied twist and everything just unfolds carefully until you see the whole naked core. I started reading it having a particular feeling, but halfway through the book, my feeling had changed and at the end, I released the breath I'd been holding. I consider this book to be well-made, educative and satisfying. A beautiful piece of romance that takes you far and wide without actually leaving its place. A good, enjoyable read and a standalone too. Good job, JB! One of the VERY FEW books that took me completely unawares and swept me off my feet with surprise!

You can get An Impossible Secret here
